Mystery Style Box


Get 3 items from my closet. This will include stylish basics, accessories, shoes and clothing. Total value of $150+.
***Items in the style box will NOT be posted on the site, to insure fairness and exclusivity.

Use the selection below to give me an idea of what to send you and to know your sizes. Selection does not guarantee items.

I really need/love...:
Shoe Size:
Dress Size:
Preferred Color:
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Get 3 items from my closet. This will include stylish basics, accessories, shoes and clothing. Total value of $150+.
***Items in the style box will NOT be posted on the site, to insure fairness and exclusivity.

Use the selection below to give me an idea of what to send you and to know your sizes. Selection does not guarantee items.

Get 3 items from my closet. This will include stylish basics, accessories, shoes and clothing. Total value of $150+.
***Items in the style box will NOT be posted on the site, to insure fairness and exclusivity.

Use the selection below to give me an idea of what to send you and to know your sizes. Selection does not guarantee items.